Preparing For A Caudal Epidural With Steroids As A Treatment For Sciatica
Sciatica is a painful condition that causes pain in the very bottom part of the spine, which usually then travels down to the legs. It is usually caused because the intervertebral discs within the spine has…
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Who Might Benefit From Pulsed Radiofrequency As A Nerve Root Treatment
Many people who are experiencing chronic pain have tried various treatments and options, but find that they are unable to elicit any relief. However, there are some particular benefits from using the technique of pulsed…
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Botox: Paravertebral Botox In Refractory Back Pain
When people get back pain that is really resistant to conservative or traditional treatments, there used to be very little that could be done to bring about significant improvement, but then up pops Botox and…
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When Do People Have Cervical Facet Joint Denervation Injections?
If you are going to have a cervical facet joint injection, to act as a way of blocking pain signals being transferred from the nerves in the cervical area then it is likely that…
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Medicolegal Services at Spinal Healthcare
Medicolegal services are often assumed to be about medical malpractice or medical negligence, but in fact there are many cases involving a personal injury claim, where the individual is suing another individual or company on…
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Ischiogluteal Bursitis (Truly A Pain In The Bottom): Diagnostic Issues
Ischiogluteal bursitis is often referred to as being a classic case of a pain in the bottom. The pain is experienced in the bottom and is often caused by having sat in the one position…
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Functional Restoration Programmes for Lower Back Pain
The term ‘functional restoration programme’ is a very clinical terms for a programme that is actually not clinical in its nature; it is completely patient focussed! Perhaps it would be more accurate to describe the programme…
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Why Is Surgery Not A Conservative Treatment for a Prolapsed Disc?
Why Is Surgery Not A Conservative Treatment for a Prolapsed Disc? When someone has a prolapsed disc, which can also be referred to as a disc prolapsed, is without a shadow of doubt, a very…
Categories : Articles, Conservative Treatment
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Nerve Root Block Procedure
Nerve Root Block Procedure The term ‘nerve root block’ is one that many people find quite daunting and it sounds a very dramatic procedure. However, in reality no one need feel intimidated or anxious about having…
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Piriformis Syndrome: Misdiagnosis and A Positive Outcome
Piriformis syndrome is a painful condition that tends to start in the bottom (to be precise, the buttocks) but sometimes it can start in the pelvis as well, especially if there has been some kind…
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